Saturday, September 1, 2007


The Euro-trip is getting closer. Today I got my tickets through United, turns out I had enough miles for a freebie. I will be leaving on the 18th of September from Seattle, and staying away until the 12th of December. Hopefully I am coming back early enough to miss the start of the Christmas rush, but if not I suppose I won't care because I would have just spent nearly 3 months in Europe.

So far life is grand on my quest to avoid the working world. I wonder how long I can keep this up? I suppose at some point I will need to generate some kind of cash in-flow, but until then I'll keep finding new adventures.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tehe, we're leaving on the same day, of course, in different directions.

I hope you come out and visit me! Oh wait, that isn't an option, you HAVE to visit, it's an obligation to your sanity. A little sun and sand after a trip to Europe would be nice, eh?